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Year 2012-2013

Prof. Roberto Grossi


  • Calendario orali (contattare il docente per fissare una data specifica nel periodo indicato):
    • dal 17.06.2013 al 4.07.2013;
    • dal 22.07.2013 al 31.07.2013.
  • Examination dates: Dec. 20 at 9:30 (“compitino”, aula C1), Jan. 15 at 9:30 (aula A), Feb. 5 at 9:30 (aula A), Jun 12 at 9:00 (Aula A), Jul 12 at 9:00 (Aula A).
  • The class lectures will be (mainly) given in English.


We will study, design and analyze advanced algorithms and data structures for the efficient solution of combinatorial problems involving all basic data types, such as integers, strings, (geometric) points, trees and graphs. This course deepens and extends the algorithmic notions of students.

The syllabus is structured to highlight the applicative scenarios in which the studied algorithms and data structures can be successfully applied. The level of detail with which each argument will be dealt with can change year-by-year, and will be decided according to requests coming from other courses and/or specific issues arising in, possibly novel, applicative scenarios.

The advanced nature of this course focuses on developing algorithmic design skills. The students are exposed to complex problems that require a significant effort in problem solving. One “brainstorming” lecture per week is devoted to a full immersion in this activity, and it is highly recommend to attend it. The purpose is not that of teaching/learning further N algorithms, but to refine students' skills. The final written exam will be based on the topics discussed during the “brainstorming” lectures.

We like students that make mistakes in a constructive way, since this is the starting point of our brainstorming to drive their reasoning paths, thus learning by mistakes. We are interested in the route that leads to the algorithmic solution, rather than the solution itself. Regarding mistakes and intelligence, Alan Turing wrote in 1947 that “… if a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent”. This is a motto for this class, and an invitation to express your own ideas even if they could be apparently wrong.


Algorithms for massive data sets and hierarchical memories

Date Topics References and notes
Oct. 2 Introduction to the course. Problem solving: ideas and examples. Toy problem: maximal interval of positive integers with bounded pairwise difference. [Notes]
Oct. 3 External memory model. Case study for sequential access versus random access. Description of the model. CPU complexity and I/O complexity. Cost of scanning and sorting. K-way merge sort. Introduction, chapt.2 and 3 (set D=1 disks)]
Oct. 4 Lower bounds for sorting and permuting in the external memory model. K-way distribution sort. [Introduction, chapt.2 and 3 (set D=1 disks), chapt.5 (set D=1 disks, no randomization, till Sect.5.1.1 included)] Notes[Notes]
Oct. 9 Problem solving. K-way merging, permuting, distributing, median, selection and order statistics. Notes Notes
Oct. 10 k-way distributing. Scan+sort paradigm: case study of map-reduce. Notes [Notes]
Oct. 11 Cache-oblivious (CO) model. Motivations and simple examples: multiple scanning, inverting an array, median and order statistics, binary search (lower bound). [Sect.4.1]
Oct. 12 Cache-oblivious model. k-way search search and van Emde Boas layout. Paging of arbitrary binary trees. [Sect.4.1] [Sect.3.1] [Sect.5.1] [Notes]
Oct. 16 Problem solving. Implicit van Emde Boas layout of binary complete trees. Notes Notes Code Code
Oct. 17 Problem solving. Map-reduce computations. Cache-oblivious layout of arbitrary trees. Code Code Gallery Notes
Oct. 18 Suffix sorting. DC-3 algorithm for RAM model, EM model, CO model. DC3 algorithm (up to Section3)
Oct. 19 Suffix tree. How to make it cache-oblivious. Notes

Randomization, hashing and data streaming

Date Topics References and notes
Oct. 23 Data Streaming Model. Motivations and examples. Basic technique: Count-Min Sketches. K-wise independence. Site Notes
Oct. 24 Problem solving. Filling the details of the DC3 suffix sorting. Proving k-wise independence for a family of hash functions. Notes.
Oct. 25 Count-Min Sketches. Full proof and analysis. Indicator variables, Markov's inequality. Paper Site
Oct. 30 Problem solving. Space lower bound for Count-Min Sketches. Notes App.C CLRS on Probability
Oct. 31 Problem solving. Chernoff bounds, indicator variables, and applications of count-min sketches. Designing a data streaming algorithm to estimate the number of distinct elements. Sect.4.1, Motwani-Raghavan book Notes Notes
Nov. 9 Using a family of random hash functions: Cuckoo hashing. Notes
Nov. 13 Problem solving. Count-Min Sketch. Cuckoo hashing. Notes
Nov. 14 Class canceled. Transportation strike
Nov. 16 Bloom filters. Design parameters and probabilistic analysis, with applications. Survey: except par.2.5-2.6 (optional: par.2.2)
Nov. 20 Problem solving. Count-Min Sketch for interval queries and inner product. Paper
Nov. 21 Randomized quicksort. Skiplists. Randomized binary search trees. [sez.2.5.4] [sez.3.3] Paper (pages 288-302
Data compression and string algorithms
Nov. 23 Class canceled. Examination committee
Nov. 27 Shannon's entropy and Kolmogorov's complexity. Elias' coding: gamma- and delta-codes. Huffman coding. Lempel-Ziv dictionary-based parsing. [cap.2:da inizio fino a pag.36; sez.2.6] [cap 3: fino pag.119]
Hard problems
Dec. 7 NP-Hard problems. Approximation algorithms. Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP): hardness of approximation and 2-approximation for metric instances. [chapt.9: par. 9.3-9.4 (Italian)]
Dec. 11 Further examples: approximation for Maximal independent sets (MIS) and Vertex Cover (VC). [chapt.2: pp.39-40, par. 2.1.2] [Approximate evaluation of VC]
Dec. 14 Knapsack problem: bad example for greedy and its refinement for 2-approximation. Approximation for Min Bin Packing using Next Fit and First Fit Decreasing strategies. [chapt.2: par. 2.1.1, par. 2.2.2]
Dec. 18 Problem solving. Distinct elements in a stream and general discussion of the exercises presented during the semester.
Excercises discussed in class

List of problems discussed during the problem solving session (in Italian).

Official class log (registro)

05.02.2013 (visione della correzione: mercoledì 06.02.2013 dalle 9:00 alle 11:30):

   236368    22
   301724    28
   306810    27
   411017    24
   412130    21
   428921    26

15.01.2013 (visione della correzione: venerdì 18.1.2013 ore 9:00):

   407568    24
   416420    29
   437532    27
   438125    26
   439415    27
   443495    28

20.12.2012 (visione della correzione: venerdì 11.1.2013 ore 11:00-13:00):

   242180    25
   303756    27
   407947    28
   409125    18
   437532    22
   437749    29
   438125    21
   438422    27
   438591    24
   439415    ins
   443065    29
   443495    24
   451371    28
   452095    27
   453278    25
   454413    29
   490104    25
   490537    27
magistraleinformatica/alg2/algo2_12/start.1369817312.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 29/05/2013 alle 08:48 (12 anni fa) da Roberto Grossi

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