
Ciclo di seminari su Tecnologie Assistive

The seminar cycle Assistive Technology (AT) provides an introduction into devices, services, and platforms for people with physical and sensory disabilities, motor neuron diseases, and pervasive development disorders. As an example how methods and tools from Computer Science can be applied to AT, we will introduce the most mature European runtime platform UniversAAL. We will tackle several aspects of UniversAAL ranging from the middleware design through management of heterogeneous devices, actuators, and sensors to realization of (semantic) services. A demonstration of UniversAAL will round up this introduction.

Seminar Objectives

As part of this cycle, the students will

Lecture Notes

The lectures will be every Thursday at 11:00 in Seminari EST.

Seminars planned on March 5, 11-13 A.M., sala seminari EST:

Seminars planned on March 12, 11-13 A.M.:

Seminars planned on March 19th, 11-13 A.M., sala seminari OVEST:

Seminars planned on March 26th, 11-13 A.M., sala seminari OVEST:

Seminars planned on April 2nd, 11-13 A.M., sala seminari OVEST:

Seminars planned on April 16th, 11-13 A.M., aula seminari EST:

Seminars planned on May 7th, 11-13 A.M., aula seminari OVEST:

Scientific Papers

the papers can be downloaded here.