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script5.R | |8| 18.03 14:00-16:00 | N1 | Zipf laws. Project presentation. | | |9| 19.03 9:00-11:00 | A1 | R programming. | [R] Chpt. 2.3 exercise.R script6.R | |10| 20.03 11:00-13:00 | I-Lab | Computations with random variables. Joint distributions. | [T] Chpts. 8-9 script7.R | |11| 25.03 14:00-16:00 | N1 | Covariance. Sum of random variables. | [T] Chpts. 10-11 | |12| 26.03 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Law of large numbers. The central limit theorem. | [T] Chpts. 13-14 script8.R | |13| 8.04 14:00-16:00 | N1 | Graphical summaries. | [T] Chpt. 15 script9.R | |14| 9.04 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Numerical summaries. Data preprocessing in R. Q&A on the project. | [T] Chpt. 16, [R] Chpts. 4,10 script10.R, dataprep.R | |15| 15.04 14:00-16:00 | N1 | Unbiased estimators. Efficiency and MSE | [T] Chpts. 17.1-17.3, 19, 20 script11.R | |16| 16.04 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Maximum likelihood. Fisher information. | [T] Chpt. 21 notes1.pdf| |17| 29.04 14:00-16:00 | N1 | Linear, polynomial, and non-linear regressions and least squares. | [T] Chpts. 17.4,22 [R] Chpts. 6,12.1,16.1-16.2 script12.R | |18| 30.04 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Confidence Intervals: Gaussian, T-student, large sample method. | [T] Chpts. 23.1,23.2,23.4,24.3,24.4 script13.R | |19| 7.05 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Empirical bootstrap. Application to confidence intervals. | [T] Chpts. 18.1,18.2,23.3 script14.R | |20| 8.05 11:00-13:00 | I-Lab | Parametric bootstrap. Hypotheses testing. | [T] Chpts. 18.3,25 script15.R | |21| 20.05 14:00-16:00 | N1 | One-sample t-test and application to linear regression. | [T] Chpts. 26-27, [R] Chpts. 5.1,5.2 script16.R | |22| 22.05 11:00-13:00 | Sem.Ovest | Goodness of fit: chi-square, K-S. Fitting power laws. | K-S script17.R | | | 27.05 14:00-16:00 | N1 | NO LESSON ON THIS DATE (EU ELECTIONS) | | |23| 28.05 9:00-11:00 | A1 | … | … | |24| 29.05 11:00-13:00 | I-Lab | Project tutoring. | | =====Previous years===== * Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2017/18 * Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2016/17

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