



Hours and Rooms


Lessons will be held onilne by Teams Platform

Day of Week Hour Room
Monday 11:00 - 12:45 Teams
Thursday 09:00 - 10:45 Teams

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Learning Material

Slides & Registration of the classes

Past Exams



Class calendar - (2021-2022)

Day Topic Slides Data/Software References Video Lectures Teacher
13.09 11:00-12:45 Lecture canceled
1. 16.09 09:00-10:45 Introduction. File data access. 2021-lds.01.introduction.pdf 2020-lds.02.bi_architectures.pptx.pdf 2020-lds.03.file_data_access.pptx.pdf - BI technology: An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology - File access: File System Interface Video1 Video2 Monreale
2. 20.09 11:00-12:45 Representation formats: CSV, FLV, ARFF, XML. Python Recap 2020-lds.04.python.pptx.pdf - File Formats: Introduction to data technologies(Chps. 5, 6), Weka ARFF Format, XRFF Format - Python reference: Free python book with exercises Video1 Video2 Pellungrini
3. 23.09 11:00-12:45 File Access in Python lds.05.fileaccess-python2021.pdf Collection of files Partial Solutions to Python Exercises Video1 Video2 Pellungrini
4. 27.09 9:00-10:45 File Access in Python Practice lds.05.fileaccess-python2021.pdf Collection of files Partial Solutions to Python Exercises csv to Arff conversion solution Video Pellungrini
5. 30.09 9:00-10:45 Python Exercises ex-customers.pdf Video1 Video2 Video3 Pellungrini
04.10 11:00-12:45 Lecture canceled
6. 07.10 9:00-10:45 RDBMS access protocols: ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC. ODBC Programming. lds.06.relational_data_access-2021.pdf Monreale
7. 11.10 11:00-12:45 RDBMS access protocols: ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC. ODBC Programming. lds.06.relational_data_access-2021.pdf Monreale
8. 14.10 9:00-10:45 Stratified sampling lds.07.sqlserver.pdf Video Pellungrini
9. 18.10 12:00-12:45 ETL Introduction lds.08.etlandssis.pdf Video Monreale
10. 21.10 9:00-10:45 SSIS: toCSV, FromCSV }}strazione%20della%20riunione.mp4|Video Monreale
11. 25.10 11:00-12:45 SSIS exercises: Pipeline, Update exercisefact_table.pdf Video Monreale
12. 28.10 9:00-10:45 SSIS exercises: Stratified Subsampling ex-midterm.pdf Monreale
13. 04.11 9:00-10:45 Project Support & Discussion Monreale
14. 08.11 11:00-12:45 SSIS: Surrogate keys + Slowly changing dimensions Monreale
15. 11.11 9:00-10:45 SSIS: Slowly changing dimensions + Datawarehousing and OLAP recap. lds.09.dwandolap.pdf Monreale
16. 15.11 11:00-12:45 OLAP with SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS): data source views, dimensions, hierarchies. Data cubes, Parent-child hierarchies. lds.09.ssas-21.pdf 1) SSAS (olap): documentation; 2) S. Harinath et al. Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chps. 4-6. Monreale
17. 18.11 11:00-12:45 Cube deployment. Measure setup, Calculated Members, Excel power pivot integration. ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP definition and setup. Cache management. foodmartexplorative.xlsx Monreale
18. 22.11 11:00-12:45 Introduction to MDX MDX: 1) documentation and a useful guide on ordering; 2) S. Harinath ed al. Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chp. 3. Since the video of this lecture has some issue I'm linking the Video of the last year. It is not exactly equal but very similar. The videos are two because the lectures of these year could not be completely aligned. Video1 Video2 Monreale
19. 25.11 09:00-11:00 Practice on MDX Exercises to be done before next lecture: 1) Queries you have already answered by Excel in Lecture N.17 2) This list of queries: mdx-ex.pdf Video 1 Video 2 Monreale
20. 29.11 11:00-12:45 Practice on MDX Video 1 Pellungrini
21. 02.12 09:00-10:45 Practice on MDX
22. 09.12 09:00-10:45 Practice on MDX + PowerBI
23. 13.12 11:00-13:00 ROOM C Lecture by Microstrategy
24. 16.12 09:00-10:45 Lecture only ONLINE dedicated to Project discussion with groups



A project consists in a set of assignements corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, qurying of a OPLAP cube and reporting.

The project has to be performed by a team of 2 students (at most 3 after asking authorization for that to the teachers).

Project to be delivered within 31 December 2021

Project to be delivered during the exam sessions Students who did not deliver the above project within 31 December 2021 need to ask by email a new project to the teachers. The project that will be assigned will require about 2 weeks of work and after the delivery it will be discussed during the oral exam. For those students, the oral exams will also cover some practical parts that could not be included in the project. Please write to both teachers!

Exam sessions

Session Date Time Room Notes Marks

Past Editions