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Final project page : SPM 09-10

Project text

The project texts can be found in the Slides presented during lessons.

Project types

For Academic Year 2009-2010, several distinct classes of projects have been proposed:

  • RTS: implementation of a small run time/compiler tool for structured programming paradigms/models
  • APPL: parallelization of small, known applications with a structured programming framework
  • COMP: comparison of two different structured programming frameworks
  • LESS: lesson illustrating a structured programming framework (with sample code and installation hints)

Target architecture

The project code can be developed using any system, but eventually the code must run on the computer facilities of Aula H/I/M at the Polo Fibonacci, with machines booted with Linux (not Windows).

Languages & tools

The following programming languages are accepted as the implementation languages of the projects:

  • C, C++, Java, Perl

The following list of programming environments/tools is accepted for the projects requiring some coding:

Kind Tools
Threads OpenMP, PThread
Communication libraries MPI, POSIX/TCP, RCP/RMI
Skeleton frameworks
Java based Muskel, Calcium
C/C++ based Muesli, eSkel, SkeTo
Other OcamlP3L

Project assignments accepted (so far)

Those students that wish to try to pass the exam in the winter term (January or February 2010) should agree ASAP an assignment with the professor, sending him an email with subject SPM Final Project and with the following information:

  • name of the student (students, max 2) doing the project
  • project chosen (class, type)
  • implementation tools to be used
  • major unspecified details fixed (e.g. APPL.x : kind of application chosen)

Students that want to try to pass the exam in a later session should agree the project assignment with the processor (same email procedure) before actually start working. E.g. if they start to prepare the exam/project in may, before making actual work, they should send the professor a message “SPM Final Project” and wait for professor's ACK message.

This are the assignments already agreed. Those having no “Ok” in the “Approval” column should contact the professor. Those with some detail left unspecified (application, implementation framework, etc.) should try to finalize it ASAP.

Group members Assignment Notes Approval
Sandro Montanari, Klevis Vishkulli APPL.1 Ok
Andrea De Salve APPL.x image collage Ok
Marco Raglianti RTS.2 MapReduce C++ Ok
Andrea Cimino APPL.1 Ok
Tiziano De Matteis APPL.3 sequence alignment Ok
Paolo Giangrandi, Fabio Luporini RTS.2 C++ MPI Ok
Ramon Salvador Soto Rouco APPL.2 8queens Ok
Andrea Zanelli APPL.x Game of life Ok
Francesco Beccari APPL.x ProActive Ok
Mayank Sinha LESS.3 TBB Ok
Davide Mascitti APPL.2 8queens ProActive Ok
Lorenzo Muti, Walter Verdese RTS.1 Ok
Sandro Caneschi APPL.2 Muesli Ok
Alessandro Franchini, Marco Cornolti, Maurizio Marchianne COMP 3 framework (TBD) Ok
Andrea Farruggia APPL.x query su indice distribuito Ok
Raffaella Brasino APPL.3 ProActive Calcium Ok
Andrea Lottarini, Alberto Bandettini APPL.1 Gauss Newton Ok
Giorgio Massetani, Emanuel Marzini APPL.x Mandelbrot MPI Ok
Marco Distefano APPL.2 ProActive Calcium Ok
Yelkal Mulualem Walle, Emnet Tsadiku Abdo LESS.4 SkeTo Ok
La Rosa Davide, Musso Mattia APPL.1 image similarity Ok
Gianmarco Saba LESS.1 SkeTo Ok
Pierluigi Perrucci APPL.1 RMI ProActive (appl TBD) Ok
Pawel Owczarek APPL.x Ulam Spiral eSkel Ok
Christian Grioli RTS.2 C+?? Ok
Emanuele Vespa RTS.3 C+?? Ok
Gonzalo Fernández García APPL.2 ProActive Calcium Ok
Rushen Dong LESS.3 OcamlP3l Ok
Nicola Corona, Rita Piras APPL.3 pattern search ProActive Calcium Ok
Davide Cavagnuolo APPL.3 ProActive Calcium Ok
Accardo Luigi, Giovanni Lima ??
Angela Italiano RTS.1 C POSIX/TCP Ok
Paolo Cois APPL.x pattern matching, Muesli Ok
Claudio Porcu COMP.2 Calcium vs. muskel Ok
Giancarlo Pagano APPL.2 Calcium/ProActive Ok
Venkatraman Gopalakrishnan LESS.2 eSkel Ok
Ugo Albanese, Md.Sabbir Ahmed RTS.x extension of Muskel Ok
Umar Shahzad, M.Akram, Nasir Hussain APPL.1 image smoothing and edge detection
Antonino Fazio APPL.1 Java
Mattia Buccarella RTS ?
Yelkal Mulualem Walle, Emnet Tsadiku Abdo LESS.4 eSkel Ok
Sivakumar Dravidamani LESS.4 OcamlP3L Ok
Filippo Venuti APPL.2 TBB OK
Dean De Leo COMP Muesli vs. Calcium Ok
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/spm09project.1260873640.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 15/12/2009 alle 10:40 (15 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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