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Final project page : SPM 09-10

Project text

The project texts can be found in the Slides presented during lessons.

Project types

For Academic Year 2009-2010, several distinct classes of projects have been proposed:

  • RTS: implementation of a small run time/compiler tool for structured programming paradigms/models
  • APPL: parallelization of small, known applications with a structured programming framework
  • COMP: comparison of two different structured programming frameworks
  • LESS: lesson illustrating a structured programming framework (with sample code and installation hints)

Target architecture

The project code can be developed using any system, but eventually the code must run on the computer facilities of Aula H/I/M at the Polo Fibonacci, with machines booted with Linux (not Windows).

Languages & tools

The following list of programming languages is accepted for the projects:

  • C, C++, Java, Perl

The following list of programming environments/tools is accepted for the projects requiring some coding:

  • threads: OpenMP, PThread
  • communication libraries: MPI, POSIX/TCP, RCP/RMI
  • skeleton frameworks:
    • Java based: Muskel, Calcium
    • C/C++ based: Muesli, eSkel, SkeTo
    • Other: OcamlP3L

Project assignments accepted (so far)

This are the assignments already agreed with the teacher (we list also these that have been accepted “in principle” and must to be finalized)

  • Sandro Montanari, Klevis Vishkulli APPL.1
  • Andrea De Salve APPL.x (image collage)
  • Raglianti Marco, RTS.2 MapReduce C++
  • Andrea Cimino, APPL.1
  • Tiziano De Matteis, APPL.3 (sequence alignment)
  • Giangrandi Paolo, Luporini Fabio, APPL.3 C++ MPI
  • Ramon Salvador Soto Rouco, APPL.2 (8queens)
  • Andrea Zanelli, APPL.3 (Game of life)
  • Beccari Francesco, APPL.3 (kind of) ProActive
  • Mayank Sinha, LESS.3 (TBB)
  • Mascitti Davide, APPL.2 (8queens ProActive)
  • Lorenzo Muti, Walter Verdese, RTS.1
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spm/spm09project.1259878028.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 03/12/2009 alle 22:07 (15 anni fa) da Marco Danelutto

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