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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:progetto15.16 [31/07/2016 alle 03:10 (8 anni fa)] – creata Massimo Coppolamagistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:progetto15.16 [31/07/2016 alle 03:26 (8 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Massimo Coppola
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 To this extent, a few papers are listed that explain parallel clustering algorithms, which the student should analyze and implement. In a few cases, there is already a parallel implementation that the student can attempt to parallelize using a different technology. To this extent, a few papers are listed that explain parallel clustering algorithms, which the student should analyze and implement. In a few cases, there is already a parallel implementation that the student can attempt to parallelize using a different technology.
 +====What is expected from the project works====
 +The proposed implementation
 +  * must have a well recognizable, explicit parallel structure
 +  * must have an (expected) parallel performance model
 +  * must be verified with experiments
 +  * must be accompanied with a short report explaining the problem tackled, the choices made, the performance model; the report shall contain the experments results and analysis.
 +The student 
 +  * should be able to understand the parallel algorithm and implement/port it with the choosen support
 +  * can exploit libraries and data structures as needed
 +  * should be able to verify the program and its model with experimental data, identifying performance and scalability issues
 +Please contact the teacher :
 +  * In case you are stuck or miss datasets to test your program with.
 +  * If you need computing resources for running the experiments.
 +  * If you have a different proposal for you project 
 +//As stated many times before, obtaining the fastest program is not the absolute goal in this case. Being able to use a technology and understand its issues is as much important. Try to keep the balance.//
 +====Links to algorithms and papers====
   * The center for Ultra-Scale computing at Northwestern University has a page with references to parallel versions of the DBSCAN and OPTICS clustering algorithm (and PINK, a hierarchical clustering algorithm)\\ [[]] \\ Both MPI and OpenMP versions are provided there as source code and test data, start from the referenced papers and study the code in order to design a parallel version using TBB or OpenCL.   * The center for Ultra-Scale computing at Northwestern University has a page with references to parallel versions of the DBSCAN and OPTICS clustering algorithm (and PINK, a hierarchical clustering algorithm)\\ [[]] \\ Both MPI and OpenMP versions are provided there as source code and test data, start from the referenced papers and study the code in order to design a parallel version using TBB or OpenCL.
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spd/progetto15.16.1469934647.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 31/07/2016 alle 03:10 (8 anni fa) da Massimo Coppola

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