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magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:start [08/05/2015 alle 06:04 (10 anni fa)] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:start [01/02/2016 alle 08:56 (9 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 33: Linea 33:
 ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Testo ^ ^ Dates ^ Room ^ Testo ^
-  | text |+05-06-2015 L1 | no participants | 
 +| 29-06-2015 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:ae150629.doc|text}} | 
 +| 20-07-2015 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:ae150720.doc|text}} | 
 +| 10-09-2015 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:ae150910.doc|text}} | 
 +| 11-01-2016 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:ae160111.doc|text}} | 
 +| 01-02-2016 | L1 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:ae160201.doc|text}} |
Linea 66: Linea 71:
 | 23/03/2015 | Prefix search: definition of the problem, solution based on arrays, Front-coding, two-level indexing. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_7.pdf|Chap. 7}} of the notes | | 23/03/2015 | Prefix search: definition of the problem, solution based on arrays, Front-coding, two-level indexing. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_7.pdf|Chap. 7}} of the notes |
 | 24/03/2015 | More on two-level indexing of strings: review of in-memory level based on array of string pointers and uncompacted tries. Solution based on compacted trie and Patricia trie, with analysis of space, I/Os and time of the prefix search. | This year we don't study locality preserving FC. | | 24/03/2015 | More on two-level indexing of strings: review of in-memory level based on array of string pointers and uncompacted tries. Solution based on compacted trie and Patricia trie, with analysis of space, I/Os and time of the prefix search. | This year we don't study locality preserving FC. |
-| 25/03/2015 | Randomised data structures: Treaps and Skip lists (with proofs and comments on string items). | [[|Notes]] by others.  Study also Theorems and Lemmas. see Demaine's lecture [[|num. 12]] on skip lists.|+| 25/03/2015 | Randomised data structures: Treaps and Skip lists (with proofs and comments on string items). | [[|Notes]] by others.  Study also Theorems and Lemmas. see Demaine's lecture [[|num. 12]] on skip lists.|
 |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about:// hash functions and their properties; hashing with chaining. | Lectures 7 of Demaine-Leiserson's course at MIT |   |  | //Students are warmly invited to refresh their know-how about:// hash functions and their properties; hashing with chaining. | Lectures 7 of Demaine-Leiserson's course at MIT |  
 | 26/03/2015 | Hashing and dictionary problem: direct addessing, simple hash functions, hashing with chaining, uniform hashing and its computing/storage cost, universal hashing (definition and properties). | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_13b.pdf|Chap. 13}} of the notes. Do not study the proof of Theorem 13.3 (study the statement), and the whole theorem 13.4.  | | 26/03/2015 | Hashing and dictionary problem: direct addessing, simple hash functions, hashing with chaining, uniform hashing and its computing/storage cost, universal hashing (definition and properties). | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_13b.pdf|Chap. 13}} of the notes. Do not study the proof of Theorem 13.3 (study the statement), and the whole theorem 13.4.  |
Linea 78: Linea 83:
 | 22/04/2015 | Prefix-free codes, notion of entropy, optimal codes. Huffman, with optimality (proof). Canonical Huffman: construction, properties, decompression algorithm. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:chap_10.pdf|Chap. 10}} of the notes. | | 22/04/2015 | Prefix-free codes, notion of entropy, optimal codes. Huffman, with optimality (proof). Canonical Huffman: construction, properties, decompression algorithm. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:chap_10.pdf|Chap. 10}} of the notes. |
 | 23/04/2015 | Exercises |  | | 23/04/2015 | Exercises |  |
-| 27/04/2015 |  Arithmetic coding: properties, algorithm and proofs; with examples.    | No PPM and Range coding in Chap 10 of the notes |+| 27/04/2015 | Arithmetic coding: properties, algorithm and proofs; with examples.    | No PPM and Range coding in Chap 10 of the notes |
 | 28/04/2015 | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS and gzip. LZ8 and LZW  | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:chap_11.pdf|Chap 11}}, no par 11.4. | | 28/04/2015 | Dictionary-based compressors: properties and algorithmic structure. LZ77, LZSS and gzip. LZ8 and LZW  | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:chap_11.pdf|Chap 11}}, no par 11.4. |
 | 29/04/2015 | Burrows-Wheeler Transform (forward and backward), Move-To-Front, Run-Length-Encoding, bzip2. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_12.pdf|Chap. 12}} of the notes.  Study also Theorem 12.5, but no sections 12.4 and 12.5.| | 29/04/2015 | Burrows-Wheeler Transform (forward and backward), Move-To-Front, Run-Length-Encoding, bzip2. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:chap_12.pdf|Chap. 12}} of the notes.  Study also Theorem 12.5, but no sections 12.4 and 12.5.|
 | 29/04/2015 | Exercises |  | | 29/04/2015 | Exercises |  |
-| 06/05/2015 | Substring search: definition, properties, reduction to prefix search. The Suffix Array. Binary searching the Suffix Array: p log n (no pages 8.4-8.5). How to compute the lcp-array. Suffix array construction (theo 8.1, but no Skew algorithm, and no Scan-based algorithm). Text mining use of suffix arrays.   | Chap. 8 of the notes.  |+| 06/05/2015 | Substring search: definition, properties, reduction to prefix search. The Suffix Array. Binary searching the Suffix Array: p log n (no pages 8.4-8.5). How to compute the lcp-array. Suffix array construction (theo 8.1, but no Skew algorithm, and no Scan-based algorithm). Text mining use of suffix arrays.   | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:chap_08.pdf|Chap. 8}} of the notes.  |
 | 07/05/2015 | Suffix Trees: properties, structure, pattern search, space occupancy. Construction of Suffix Trees from Suffix Arrays and LCP arrays, and vice versa. LZ77-parsing via  suffix trees. | NO McCreight's construction  | | 07/05/2015 | Suffix Trees: properties, structure, pattern search, space occupancy. Construction of Suffix Trees from Suffix Arrays and LCP arrays, and vice versa. LZ77-parsing via  suffix trees. | NO McCreight's construction  |
 | 08/05/2015 | Exercise |  | | 08/05/2015 | Exercise |  |
-| 11/05/2015 | Range-minimum-query over arrays and Lowest common ancestor over trees, reductions and various solutions. Application to k-mismatch problem. |   +| 11/05/2015 | Range-minimum-query over arrays and Lowest common ancestor over trees, reductions and various solutions. Application to k-mismatch problem. | Read 8.4 of the notes and these {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:rmq_e_lz.pptx|slides}} 
-| 12/05/2015 | Room C, hr 11-13 |  | +| 12/05/2015 | Recap: graphs and their representations, BFS and DFS visits, computing shortest-path over unary-length edges, topological sort| {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:clr-graphs.pdf|Chap 23.1-23.4}} of CLR | 
-| 13/05/2015 | ** ***** NO Lecture ***** ** |  | +18/05/2015 | Minimum Spanning Tree problem: definition, Greedy approach, Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms.  | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:mst-clr.pdf|Chap 23 of CLR}}  | 
-| 14/05/2015 | (EXTRA) Room Seminari EST, hr 9-11 |  | +| 19/05/2015 | Algorithms for external and semi-external computation of MST. Also use of MST for clustering and for the bottleneck shortest path problem (no proof). | A part of the {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2014:mst-mehlhorn.pdf|Mehlhorn-Sander's book}}, look at Sect 11.5. 
-| 18/05/2015 | Room N1, hr 11-13 |  | +25/05/2015 Shortest Path problem: Dijkstra's algorithm. Steiner Tree problem: definition and a 2-approximate solution. Traveling Salesman Tour problem: definition and a 2-approximate solution. | Part of the {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:clr_-_sp.pdf|chap on Shortest Path of CLR}}. Also {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2012:mst-mehlhorn.pdf|sect 11.5 and 11.6}} of Sanders-Mehlhorn's book. | 
-| 19/05/2015 | Room C, hr 11-13 |  | +| 26/05/2015 | Exercises on Graph Problems |  |
-| 20/05/2015 | ** ***** NO Lecture ***** ** |  | +
-| 25/05/2015 | Room N1, hr 11-13 |  | +
-| 26/05/2015 | Room C, hr 11-13 |  | +
-===== Topics to be dealt with, probably ===== +
- +
- +
-|  | Recap: graphs, BFS and DFS visits, computing shortest-path over unary-length edges. | Chap 22.1, 22.2 and 22.3 of CLR | +
- | Minimum Spanning Tree problem: definition, Greedy approach, Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms. Shortest Path problem: Dijkstra's algorithm. Some considerations on external and semi-external approaches. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:mst-clr.pdf|Chap 23 of CLR}} and part of the {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2013:clr_-_sp.pdf|chap on Shortest Path of CLR}} | +
- (Fully) external MST computation. Steiner Tree problem: definition and a 2-approximate solution. Traveling Salesman Tour problem: definition and a 2-approximate solution. | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:ae:ae2012:mst-mehlhorn.pdf|sect 11.5 and 11.6}} of Sanders-Mehlhorn's book |+
magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2014/start.1431065052.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 08/05/2015 alle 06:04 (10 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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