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magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:start [09/12/2016 alle 13:51 (8 anni fa)] – [Content of the Lectures] Paolo Ferraginamagistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:start [05/09/2017 alle 13:10 (7 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Exam] Paolo Ferragina
Linea 24: Linea 24:
 ===== Exam ===== ===== Exam =====
-The exam will consist of a written testplus an oral discussion on the exercises. +The exam will consist of two parts: (1) a lab test on the libraries and tools learned in class; (2) a written test plus an oral discussion on the exercises. 
 ^ Date         ^ Room ^ Text ^ ^ Date         ^ Room ^ Text ^
-| 12/01/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | text | +| 10/01/2017 |  L1 (9:30)  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170110_lab.docx|Lab test}}, {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:papers.xml.gz|data}} | 
-03/02/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | text | +| 12/01/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170112.docx|text}} 
- +01/02/2017 |  L1 (9:30)  | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170201_lab.docx|Lab test}} | 
 +| 12/06/2017 |  L1 (15:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170612.docx |text + written test on Lucene}} 
 +| 29/06/2017 |  A (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170629.docx |text + written test on Lucene}} | 
 +| 27/07/2017 |  L1 (9:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170727.docx |text + written test on Lucene}} | 
 +| 05/09/2017 |  N1 (15:00)  | {{ :magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:ir170905.docx |text}} |
 =====  Books ===== =====  Books =====
Linea 48: Linea 51:
 | 11/10/16 | Exact-duplicate documents: Karp-Rabin's rolling hash (with properties and error probability). Introduction to Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH): similarity problem among users based on binary/real features, cosine-similarity among vectors of real-features, near-document similarity via shingles + min-wise hashing + Jaccard similarity. | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_06-lsh.ppt|Slides}}.\\ Sect 19.6 of [MRS] |  | 11/10/16 | Exact-duplicate documents: Karp-Rabin's rolling hash (with properties and error probability). Introduction to Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH): similarity problem among users based on binary/real features, cosine-similarity among vectors of real-features, near-document similarity via shingles + min-wise hashing + Jaccard similarity. | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_06-lsh.ppt|Slides}}.\\ Sect 19.6 of [MRS] | 
 | 12/10/16 | Locality-sensitive hashing: basics, hamming distance, Jaccard similarity, cosine-similarity, sketch of the main theorem. |  |  | 12/10/16 | Locality-sensitive hashing: basics, hamming distance, Jaccard similarity, cosine-similarity, sketch of the main theorem. |  | 
-| 18/10/16 | Posting list compression, codes: gamma, variable bytes, PForDelta and Elias-Fano. | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_07a-compression_integers.ppt|Slides}}.\\ Sez 5.3 of [MRS] and {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2014/chap_9.pdf|Ferragina's notes}} (only the coders presented in class).  |+| 18/10/16 | Posting list compression, codes: gamma, delta, variable bytes, PForDelta and Elias-Fano. | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_07a-compression_integers.ppt|Slides}}.\\ Sez 5.3 of [MRS] and {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking/ae/ae2014/chap_9.pdf|Ferragina's notes}} (only the coders presented in class).  |
 | 19/10/16 | Rank and Select data structures, two approaches: the case of B untouched and extra o(B) bits, and the case of Elias-Fano's approach with B compressed. Succinct representation of binary trees and its navigational operations (heap like notation). | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_7b-succinct-tree.pptx|Slides}}.  | | 19/10/16 | Rank and Select data structures, two approaches: the case of B untouched and extra o(B) bits, and the case of Elias-Fano's approach with B compressed. Succinct representation of binary trees and its navigational operations (heap like notation). | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_7b-succinct-tree.pptx|Slides}}.  |
 | 25/10/16 | Exact search: hashing with chaining, univeral hashing, cuckoo hashing. Prefix search: compacted trie, front coding, 2-level indexing. Edit distance via brute-force approach, or Dynamic Programming (possibly weighted). | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_08-dict_search_-_part_a.ppt|Slides}}. | | 25/10/16 | Exact search: hashing with chaining, univeral hashing, cuckoo hashing. Prefix search: compacted trie, front coding, 2-level indexing. Edit distance via brute-force approach, or Dynamic Programming (possibly weighted). | {{:magistraleinformatica:ir:ir16:lect_08-dict_search_-_part_a.ppt|Slides}}. |
magistraleinformatica/ir/ir16/start.1481291474.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 09/12/2016 alle 13:51 (8 anni fa) da Paolo Ferragina

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