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dm:phdworkshop2011 [12/01/2011 alle 11:45 (14 anni fa)] Fosca Giannottidm:phdworkshop2011 [12/01/2011 alle 23:31 (14 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Fosca Giannotti
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 ===== Opening  8:45 ===== ===== Opening  8:45 =====
-===== SESSION 1: PARALLEL AND STREAMED SYSTEMS  09:00-10:20 =====+===== SESSION 1: PARALLEL AND STREAMED SYSTEMS  [09:00-10:20=====
   * **09:00-09:20** Gabriele Mencagli: //A control-theoretic methodology for adaptive structured parallel computations.// [[abstract.mencagli|Abstract]]  Supervisor: M. Vanneschi. Committee: A. Cisternino, M. Danelutto.   * **09:00-09:20** Gabriele Mencagli: //A control-theoretic methodology for adaptive structured parallel computations.// [[abstract.mencagli|Abstract]]  Supervisor: M. Vanneschi. Committee: A. Cisternino, M. Danelutto.
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-===== SESSION 2: DATABASES AND FORMAL CALCULI  10:35-11:35 =====+===== SESSION 2: DATABASES AND FORMAL CALCULI  [10:35-11:35=====
   * **10:35-10:55** Dinh Viet Dung: //A G-local Pi calculus.// [[abstract.dung|Abstract]]  Supervisors: C. Bodei, G. Ferrari. Committee: A. Brogi, P. Degano.   * **10:35-10:55** Dinh Viet Dung: //A G-local Pi calculus.// [[abstract.dung|Abstract]]  Supervisors: C. Bodei, G. Ferrari. Committee: A. Brogi, P. Degano.
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   * **11:50-12:10** Michele Coscia: //Multidimensional network analysis.   * **11:50-12:10** Michele Coscia: //Multidimensional network analysis.
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-===== SESSION 4: SEARCH ALGORITHMS   14:00-15:40 =====+===== SESSION 4: SEARCH ALGORITHMS   [14:00-15:40=====
   * **14:00-14:20** Augusto Rui Ferreira: //Finding frequent combinatorial patterns in graphs   * **14:00-14:20** Augusto Rui Ferreira: //Finding frequent combinatorial patterns in graphs
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-===== SESSION 5: WIRELESS NETWORKS   15:55-16:35 =====+===== SESSION 5: BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM MODELING   [15:55-17:15] =====
-  * **15:55-16:15** Donatella Ermini: //Traffic scheduling in point-to-multipoint OFDMA-based systems. +  * **15:55-16:15** Aureliano Rama: //Formalisms for ecological applications.
-// {{:dm:abstract_erminid.pdf|Abstract }} Supervisor: M. Bonuccelli. Committee: M. Danelutto, R. Grossi. +
- +
-  * **16:15-16:35** Claudio Francesco Vairo: //A query language for dynamic tracking of moving events in wireless sensor networks.// [[abstract.vairo|Abstract]]  Supervisors: S. Chessa, G. Amato (ISTI-CNR). Committee: A. Albano, M. Bonuccelli. +
- +
- +
-===== SESSION 6: BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM MODELING   16:35-17:55 ===== +
- +
-  * **16:35-16:55** Aureliano Rama: //Formalisms for ecological applications.+
 // [[abstract.rama|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, P. Milazzo. Committee: F. Levi, P. Luschi (Dip. Biologia, Univ. Pisa). // [[abstract.rama|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, P. Milazzo. Committee: F. Levi, P. Luschi (Dip. Biologia, Univ. Pisa).
-  * **16:55-17:15** Peter Drabik: //Modular verification of biological systems.+  * **16:15-16:35** Peter Drabik: //Modular verification of biological systems.
 // [[abstract.drabik|Abstract]]  Supervisors: A. Maggiolo, P. Milazzo. Committee: G. Ferrari, C. Bodei. // [[abstract.drabik|Abstract]]  Supervisors: A. Maggiolo, P. Milazzo. Committee: G. Ferrari, C. Bodei.
-  * **17:15-17:35** Giulio Caravagna: //Formal modeling and simulation of biological systems with delays.+  * **16:35-16:55** Giulio Caravagna: //Formal modeling and simulation of biological systems with delays.
 // [[abstract.caravagna|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, P. Milazzo. Committee: A. D'Onofrio (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano), R. Grossi. // [[abstract.caravagna|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, P. Milazzo. Committee: A. D'Onofrio (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano), R. Grossi.
-  * **17:35-17:55** Giovanni Pardini: //Formal modelling and simulation of biological systems with spatiality.+  * **16:55-17:15** Giovanni Pardini: //Formal modelling and simulation of biological systems with spatiality.
 // [[abstract.pardinig|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, A. Maggiolo. Committee: P. Degano, F. Levi. // [[abstract.pardinig|Abstract]]  Supervisors: R. Barbuti, A. Maggiolo. Committee: P. Degano, F. Levi.
 +===== SESSION 6: WIRELESS NETWORKS   [17:15-17:55] =====
 +  * **17:15-17:35** Donatella Ermini: //Traffic scheduling in point-to-multipoint OFDMA-based systems.
 +// {{:dm:abstract_erminid.pdf|Abstract }} Supervisor: M. Bonuccelli. Committee: M. Danelutto, R. Grossi.
 +  * **17:35-17:55** Claudio Francesco Vairo: //A query language for dynamic tracking of moving events in wireless sensor networks.// [[abstract.vairo|Abstract]]  Supervisors: S. Chessa, G. Amato (ISTI-CNR). Committee: A. Albano, M. Bonuccelli.
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-===== SESSION 7: SECURITY AND SERVICES  18:10-19:10 =====+===== SESSION 7: SECURITY AND SERVICES  [18:10-19:10=====
   * **18:10-18:30** Thaizel Fuentes: //Enhanced service discovery in embedded peer-to-peer systems.   * **18:10-18:30** Thaizel Fuentes: //Enhanced service discovery in embedded peer-to-peer systems.
dm/phdworkshop2011.1294832728.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 12/01/2011 alle 11:45 (14 anni fa) da Fosca Giannotti

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