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bio:start [16/05/2018 alle 08:19 (6 anni fa)] Nadia Pisantibio:start [07/05/2019 alle 09:54 (5 anni fa)] Nadia Pisanti
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 +====== BIOINFORMATICS ======
 Lecturer: **Nadia Pisanti** Lecturer: **Nadia Pisanti**
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 === NEWS === === NEWS ===
-[May 10thThe seminar's schedule is published in this site.+[April 30thPlease be aware that there will be no class on Monday, May 27th due to University cancelling all lectures on that day to allow students to go home and vote for EU elections.
-[May 3rdThe lecture of Monday May 7th will not take place due to the Director's decision to grant students the time to for an assembly.+[April 15thAs communicated in the class, on Monday April 29th we will lecture 4 academic hours starting at 14:00 to catch up the classes that were canceled last week.
-[April 17thThe lecture of Monday April 30th will not take place.+[April 1st *not a joke*I recall that next week there will be no classes as comunicated at the beginning of the course. See you on April 15th.
-[March 13thThe assignment of papers for the final exam will take place during the lectures of Monday April 16th and Tuesday April 17th.+[March 26thPapers have been assigned! __The student Antonio Nuzzo is asked to send an email to prof.Pisanti__ (his email bounced).
-[March 8thOn Tuesday March 20th there will be no class due to other professional engagement of the teacher.+[March 12thThe assignment of papers for the seminar will take place on Monday March 25th.
-[February 27th] On Monday March 5th there will be no classes due to the University'decision to stop teaching activities to support participation to political elections.+[March 5th] From now on, in absence of news, lectures will be on Monday'from 14:00 to 15:30 and on Tuesday's from 9:15 to 10:45. Always in room L1.
-[February 19thThe lectures schedule is: Monday from 14 to 15:30 in classroom L1, and Tuesday from 9:15 to 10:45 in classrom L1.+[February 27thNext week we will have classes on Monday both at 14:00 and at 16:00, and both in room L1.
-[February 18th] This page has been created!+[February 12th] The classes of April 8th and April 9th will not take place: we will have to find two slots to catch them up. 
 +[February 12th] This page has been created!
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 Once the student has his/her paper assigned, the task is to prepare and make a presentation of that work that: Once the student has his/her paper assigned, the task is to prepare and make a presentation of that work that:
 (1) describes the results presented in that paper, (2) is suited for the actual audience (that will be the course class) as for comprehension opportunity, (3) sticks to the allowed time slot.  (1) describes the results presented in that paper, (2) is suited for the actual audience (that will be the course class) as for comprehension opportunity, (3) sticks to the allowed time slot. 
-The list of papers suggested for this year are here: {{|}}. 
 Students presentations usually take place all together somewhen at the end of the course. Exceptions are possible upon request for specific needs. Once the course is over, students can undergo the examination anytime during the academic year by agreeing an appointment: please, send an email to the teacher. Students presentations usually take place all together somewhen at the end of the course. Exceptions are possible upon request for specific needs. Once the course is over, students can undergo the examination anytime during the academic year by agreeing an appointment: please, send an email to the teacher.
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-- Monday May 21st, from 14 to 15:30, room L1:\\ +**MONDAY May 20th** 
-# MICHAL PUNCOCHAR - Fixed-Parameter Tractable Sampling for RNA Design with Multiple Target Structures\\ +Marco CardiaMALVAgenotyping by Mapping-free ALlele detection of known VAriants.\\ 
-# IVAN GRUJIC - Designing RNA Secondary Structures is Hard\\ +Luca CorbucciHaplotype-aware graph indexes.\\ 
-# FEDERICO LAZZARI - Reverse de BruijnUtilizing Reverse Peptide Synthesis to Cover All Amino Acid k-mers\\ +Nicolas ManiniEfficient computation of Sequence Mappability.\\ 
-# NICOLA FERRONE - Modeling Biological Problems in Computer ScienceA Case Study in Genome Assembly\\ +Andre' SantosGenMapFast and Exact Computation of Genome Mappability.\\
- +
-- Tuesday May 22nd, from 9:15 to 11, room L1:\\ +
-# RUGGIERO DI BENEDETTO - Longest substring palindrome after edit\\ +
-# GIULIA PUNZI - Nearest constrained circular words\\ +
-# SILVIA STRANIERI - Order-Preserving Pattern Matching Indeterminate Strings\\ +
-# FRANCESCO LANDOLFI - Algorithmic Framework for Approximate Matching Under Bounded Edits with Applications to Sequence Analysis\\ +
- +
-- Wednesday May 23rd, from 16:00 to 17:45, Sala Seminari Ovest:\\ +
-# AYTAN YAGUBLU - AllSome Sequence Bloom Trees\\ +
-# FRANCESCA NARETTO - Mantis: A Fast, Small, and Exact Large-Scale Sequence-Search Index\\ +
-# LAPO TOLONI - Analysis of genomic rearrangements by using the Burrows-Wheeler transform of short-read data\\ +
-# MADDALENA AMENDOLA - DISCOSNP++: de novo detection of small variant from raw unassembled read set(s)\\ +
- +
-- Thursday May 24th, from 16:00 to 17:45, Sala Seminari Ovest:\\ +
-# DAVIDE RUCCI Dynamic Programming on DAGs: Co-Linear Chaining Extended\\ +
-# GIANMARCO RICCIARELLI - Circular Networks from Distorted Metrics\\ +
-# ANTONIO SISBARRA - Algorithms for Computing the Family-Free Genomic Similarity under DCJ \\ +
-# LEONARDO CARIAGGI - GTEDGraph Traversal Edit Distance\\ +
- +
-- Monday May 28st, from 14 to 15:30, room L1:\\ +
-# GEMMA MARTINI - Assembly of Long Error-Prone Reads and Repeat Classification\\ +
-# MICHELE MICCINESI - Optimal Omnitig Listing for Safe and Complete Contig Assembly\\ +
-# VLAD PANDELEA - Full-length de novo viral quasispecies assembly through variation graph construction\\ +
-# CARMINE CASERIO - De novo assembly of viral quasispecies using overlap graphs\\ +
-# FRANCESCO CARIAGGI - A graph-based approach to diploid genome assembly\\+
-- Tuesday May 29th, from 9:15 to 11, room L1:\\ +**TUESDAY May 21st** 
-# GASPARE FERRARO - TwoPaCoan efficient algorithm to build the compacted de Bruijn graph from many complete genomes\\ +Shadi ShajariSimulating the DNA String Graph in Succint Space.\\ 
-# SIMONE SCHIRINZI Faster Online Elastic Degenerate String Matching\\ +Antonio NuzzoIndexing de Bruijn Graphs with minimizers.\\ 
-# JOHANNES BUSCH Efficient Algorithms to Discover Alterations with Complementary Functional Association in Cancer\\ +Riccardo Manetti: An Efficient, Scalable and Exact representation of High-Dimensional Color Information via de Bruijn Graph Search.\\ 
-# GIULIANO CORNACCHIA - Long Reads Enable Accurate Estimates Of Complexity Of Metagenomes\\+Pouria Faraji: Parallel decompression of gzip-compressed files and random access to DNA sequences.\\
 +**TUESDAY May 28th**
 +Tabriz Hajiyev: Faster queries for longest substring palindrome after block edit.\\
 +Newsha Ozgoli: Safe and Complete algorithms for dynamin programming problems, with an application to RNA folding.\\
 +Federico Finocchio: CONSENT - Scalable Self-Correction of long reads with multiple sequence alignment.\\
 +Paolo Contenti: Efficient Construction of a Complete Index for Pan-Genomics Read Alignments.
bio/start.txt · Ultima modifica: 07/07/2021 alle 07:30 (3 anni fa) da Nadia Pisanti

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